| 1. | The jewels will be held in trust for the girl till she is twenty 女孩的那些首饰将被托管到她二十岁为止。 |
| 2. | The money is being held in trust for him until he is twenty - one 这笔钱委托他人代管,到他二十一岁才能使用 |
| 3. | The money your parents left you will be held in trust until you are 20 你父母留给你的钱将交付信托直到你年满二十岁。 |
| 4. | Hold in trust 以信托形式持有 |
| 5. | Held in trust 委托保管托管 |
| 6. | His estate is left to his daughter , but shall she predecease him , it will be hold in trust for her children 他的遗产留给他女儿,但如果女儿死在他前面,遗产将委托别人代她孩子管理。 |
| 7. | A bill to require the secretary of the interior to accept the conveyance of certain land , to be held in trust for the benefit of the puyallup indian tribe 224要求内政部长接受特定土地转让,交付信?为普亚乐普印第安族利益之法案。 |
| 8. | 1 the board of trustees shall hold in trust and administer for the benefit of shaw college the movable property which is vested in the board of trustees by the university ( 1 )逸夫书院校董会受托为书院保管及管理大学所授与之动产,在执行其任务时必以书院之利益为依归。 |
| 9. | The fees of bank of east asia ( trustees ) limited will be quoted on request for each particular situation and will reflect the degree of responsibility , the amount of work required , and the value of the assets held in trust 东亚银行(信托)有限公司的收费,将参照个别情况和信托人需承担的责任、工作量、信托财产的价值等而厘定。本公司将会不时对有关收费作出检讨。 |
| 10. | These included , for example , the tradition of the sabbath , which many of us are familiar with , and the concept that private property is something held in trust by men but ultimately belonging to god , which has given rise to the long jewish tradition of philanthropy 这套准则当中,有现今不少人都认识的安息日习俗,另外又包括孕育了犹太人乐善好施传统的一个观念,那就是以为私有财产归根结底属上帝所有,人类只是托管人而已。 |